Charity webinars on-demand

We understand that running a charity can be busy and it's not always easy to make time to attend webinars. That's why we offer a library of our past webinars, so you can benefit from the topics and discussions, even if you couldn't make it to the live event.

Our webinars have been developed to meet the needs of charities - from senior leaders, trustees and managers through to those aspiring to learn and develop their skills.  

Our webinars are divided into four key learning areas, that align with our Journey to Excellence impact framework. They offer practical skills training, advice & guidance on key management topics in four areas: 

  • Leadership & strategic direction
  • Performance & impact
  • Financial management
  • People management

They are presented by industry professionals offering advanced thinking & innovative techniques to drive change & new ways of working.

View all of our past webinars in one place on our webinar channel. 

Visit webinar library

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Featured webinar

Charity Business Planning and Strategy

Getting through (and beyond) recovery on the right foot

Presented by Cranfield Trust Regional Manager for Scotland, Stephen Cahill.

 The learning event will cover: 

  • The ‘new realities’ facing the charity sector – what has changed forever and why you need to revisit your approach to strategy and scenario planning.
  • A structured and simple way to gain insights into the future and avoid being ‘blindsided’. 
  • How to develop a punchy strategy that keeps your charity focused on the ‘things that really matter’ and using your strategy as a focus for funders.
  • How to do scenario planning and strategy with half the effort for twice the result!  
Registered Charity No: 800072 | Scottish Charity No: SCO40299 | Company No: 2290789 | Telephone No: 01794 830338
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