Mosaic Family Support logo


Mosaic Family Support was founded in 2007 to provide support throughout Dorset for children and young people and their families who have been bereaved or are facing bereavement. 

The charity works with over 415 children and their families each year which is increasing year on year. The training team provides workshops and bespoke training for professionals and agencies working with children and young people, which covers a number of topics about bereavement. The charity also runs bereavement cafes in schools to encourage young people dealing with grief to come and talk about their feelings. 


Mosaic Family Support came to Cranfield Trust in December 2023 for assistance with data protection and management across their various digital and paper systems to ensure compliance with GDPR and to plan effectively for best practice training of staff going forward.  

Wiltshire based volunteer consultant Guy was matched to the charity and is working directly with the CEO Jo Revill.


The deliverable became a Data Management Review with a clear action plan which will complete by the end of 2024. It was particularly helpful for Jo to get outside support with this project because she has been overseeing it until now on top of her very busy day job.

The project was designed to help the charity to improve its data protection policies and procedures and prepare written documents to capture the processes being implemented.

Jo and Guy are meeting regularly online, using an agreed action plan to track their progress. Guy has visited the charity and has been introduced to the charity’s IT suppliers to ensure that all licences, tools and settings are aligned to GDPR and that all parties understand their role going forward.


On the impact of the project to date, CEO Jo Revill said:  

“Guy has been a superb help to me already, most importantly, by talking me through the major areas around data protection. He is going to look at our ROPA doc, and has also offered to come over to our office to meet the staff and talk to them about the work which is great.”

Jo is looking forward to carrying out the post-project J2E assessment with Regional Manager Marie Langan at the end of the project and receiving the J2E Recognition Badge.

And this has been a positive experience for Guy too, who commented: 

“I have thoroughly enjoyed meeting, and have nothing but admiration for, the Mosaic Team. It is always an eye-opener to see what can be achieved by a relatively small team of dedicated people, who have one goal in mind, to help ease the pain for bereaved children whenever they can. I am humbled by the experience and am just happy to be able to add my own small contribution.”

Registered Charity No: 800072 | Scottish Charity No: SCO40299 | Company No: 2290789 | Telephone No: 01794 830338
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